Announcing ANKHOR FlowSheet Analytics with SAP HANA™ Integration
ANKHOR, a participant in the SAP Startup Focus Program, announces first availability of the revolutionary next generation real-time and visual analytics workbench “ANKHOR FlowSheet Analytics” with integrated support for SAP HANA™, SAP’s high-performance in-memory database and computing platform. ANKHOR FlowSheet Analytics with SAP HANA™ support is a unique combination providing Business Analysts, Super Users and Analytical Modelers with the most flexible and powerful environment for Next-Generation Business Analytics on big amounts of data offered on the market today. It is available now as Early Preview Release for select customers and will be generally available in Q3 2012. Secure a competitive advantage for your business by early adoption of Next-Generation Analytics. We recommend contacting us right now at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for project inquiries in order to be one of the first companies to profit from accelerated and more cost-effective creation of solutions for critical big data problems requiring flexible advanced analytic processing in real-time.
With ANKHOR FlowSheet Analytics, analytic workflows are graphically modeled by placing and connecting wizard operators in a dataflow graph. These operators support real-time interactive and visual exploration of data from many different sources. By incorporating SAP HANA’s™ advanced analytic capabilities into the same dataflow graph, HANA™ is transparently used as accelerator for OLAP queries and predictive analytic processing on very large volumes of data not any more fitting into the memory of a standard workstation. The analyst can creatively work with data at the speed of thought as there is no need to write extensive statements in query languages like SQL or SQLScript. The graphical construction principle and the possibility to immediately inspect intermediate results provide a quick and efficient way to simulate multiple “what-if” scenarios. The storage capabilities and speed of SAP HANA™ allow for practically arbitrary scalability.